Today, 27 January, in the Supreme Court, under the chairmanship of Judge Vafaddin Ibayev, a hearing was conducted on the cassation appeal of “Regional Human Rights and Education Center” Public Union Chairperson Latifa Malikova. The Institute for Reporters` Freedom and Safety was told this by L.Malikova.
The appel was fulfilled and the case was sent to the Appellate Court for reconsideration, according to Malikova.
L.Malikova appealed to the Justice Ministry in November 2008 to register the “Regional Human Rights and Education Center” Public Union, and then appealed to court due to the Ministry’s refusal to register the union. On 1 July the Yasamal District Court issued a verdict not to fulfill the lawsuit. On 29 September 2009, the Baku Appellate Court upheld the decision.
L.Malikova appealed to the Justice Ministry in November 2008 to register the “Regional Human Rights and Education Center” Public Union, and then appealed to court due to the Ministry’s refusal to register the union. On 1 July the Yasamal District Court issued a verdict not to fulfill the lawsuit. On 29 September 2009, the Baku Appellate Court upheld the decision.