Religious activist dies in courtroom

Religious activist Sabuhi Salimov died on March 2 in the courtroom from heart failure.
He was arrested in October 2021 on charges of treason and, in particular, spying for Iran. Salimov flatly denied the allegations. On November 22, 2022, the Baku Grave Crimes Court sentenced him to 17 years in prison.

In early 2023, he went on a hunger strike to protest the verdict.

On March 1, after 53 days of hunger strike due to deteriorating health, Salimov stopped the hunger strike, relatives of the activist told Turan.

On March 2, in the Baku Court of Appeal, after the announcement of the decision to uphold the verdict, Salimov began to emotionally protest, in connection with which his state of health deteriorated sharply, and died some time later.

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