Today (29 July) Reporters Without Borders and the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) sent a joint information request to Minister of Communications and Information Technology Ali Abbasov
Both organizations came to this decision after a statement was made about the creation of an agency to oversee internet security in Azerbaijan. On 19 July 2008 Abbasov stated that the organization will supervise the Internet in Azerbaijan. He also emphasized that the creation and functioning of this organization is reflected in the "International Convention on Cyber Crime,” and therefore it cannot be considered censorship on the Internet.
It is noted in the information request that Reporters Without Borders and IRFS are concerned that the creation of an organ to oversee internet might threaten freedom of expression on the internet. Therefore, Minister Abbasov is asked questions like will this organ be created, who will the organ answer to, what its role and duties be exactly and so on.