Press Council’s representative Shemseddin Aliyev, Tezadlar newspaper’s editor-in-chief Asif Merizli, and his lawyer Alirza Hebilov participated in the hearing.
The court board left for consultation after both parties were heard and questioned.
The consultation board of judges then issued a decision to throw out the decision of the Nasimi District Court, and to send the case to the Nasimi District Court to be considered.
On September 16, 2009, PC included Tezadlar newspaper on the “black list” after an article regarding the opening of Turkey-Azerbaijan borders was published in the newspaper on 29 August, 2009. A.Merzili filed a lawsuit to defend his honor and dignity and demanded that the defendant pay compensation. On 30 April a decision was issued to not fulfill A.Merizli’s lawsuit; therefore he filed an appeal against the decision.