The court did not release Bahtiyar Hajiyev

On December 20, the Khatai District Court did not satisfy the request to transfer public activist Bahtiyar Hajiyev to house arrest. Lawyer Shahla Humbatova told reporters after the trial that as a result of a six-day hunger strike, Hajiyev’s condition worsened. However, he continues the action. The defense will appeal today’s ruling.

Bahtiyar Hajiyev was detained on December 9 on charges of hooliganism and contempt of court. On the same day, the Khatai District Court arrested him for 1 month and 20 days. The defense appealed this decision, while Hajiyev himself promised to start an indefinite hunger strike if he was not released.

On December 15, the Court of Appeal dismissed Hajiyev’s complaint and he went on a hunger strike.

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