The family of the arrested blogger Sameddin Mamedov held a protest action in front of the US embassy in Azerbaijan. The sons, mother and other members of the family gathered in front of the embassy and requested an audience of the ambassador.
According to the words of Sameddin Mamedov’s son, Nakhid Mamedov, they cannot obtain the audience with the President of country, general prosecutor, head of the executive power of Jalilabad region of Azerbaijan Republic and many other high officials in order to express dissatisfaction concerning the illegal arrest of the blogger. Therefore they are compelled to apply to the USA ambassador.
However police dispersed the action and took the blogger’s family members to police department. In a few hours they were released. As Nakhid Mamedov informed IRFS, in the police department they were offered to write an explanatory note and requested neither hold any actions nor seek an audience with any state authorities for one week as otherwise they may be detained. According to the words of Nakhid Mamedov, their family sought the audience with the US ambassador for the purpose of requesting political asylum since the officials in the country don’t pay any heed to their complaints. It should be reminded that the court of Jalilabad region of Azerbaijan Republic imposed a pre-trial restraint in the form of arrest for the duration of 3 months in respect of the blogger Sameddin Mamedov. The court of appeal left in force the ruling of the court in Jalilabad region of Azerbaijan Republic.
In respect of the blogger renowned for his critical statements in the social media against former chairman of State Committee on property issues, aide to the President of Azerbaijan – head of department on the issues of state control in the Office of the President of Azerbaijan, Kerem Hasanov, resulting in detainment on October 29, there were instituted criminal proceedings under the articles 127.2.3 (intentional infliction of less serious bodily harm to a person’s health by means of a generally dangerous method or with hooligan motives) and 221.2.1 (Hooliganism committed by a group of persons or repeatedly) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan Republic.