The state prosecutor proposed to condemn the activist deported from Germany to 7.5 years

On June 22, at the trial held in the  Baku Serious Crimes  Court in the case of the member of the Popular Front Party Punhan Karimli, who was deported from Germany, the state prosecutor asked to sentence Karimli to 7 years and 6 months on charges of drug trafficking.

Lawyer Javad Javadov declared the groundlessness of the accusation, which is in the nature of a political order. He recalled that all four activists deported from Germany were charged with the same charges of drug trafficking.

* Karimli  was arrested in January of this year, a month and a half after being readmitted from Germany, where he was refused political asylum. Karimli said that he was being persecuted for political reasons, for participating in Germany in protests against human rights violations in Azerbaijan.

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