Hajiyev Tofiq and Tagiyev Araz participated on behalf of the plaintiffs, and "Azadliq Fadailari" newspaper's Chief Editor Vugar Gurdganli participated in the hearing on behalf of the defense. During the hearing the judge noted that the address of the newspaper's employee Allahverdi Nabi is incorrect on the lawsuit. Therefore, Mammedov ordered the plaintiffs to learn Nabi’s exact address and emphasized that this should be done before 10 a.m. on 20 February. The next hearing on this case is scheduled for noon on 20 February 2008.
Recall that, ANS filed a lawsuit against "Azadlig Fedaileri" Newspaper and correspondent Nebi Allahverdi, due to an article that was run in the 28 November-01 December 2007 edition of the newspaper. According to ANS' legal representation, the article, entitled "The pornography of ANS," with the subtitle "ANS is in everywhere-impoliteness," doesn't correspond to the truth, and involves false, humiliating and insulting information. ANS is seeking to have a refutation published, and also wants a 50,000 AZN fine instituted against Allahverdi and a 10,000 AZN a fine instituted against "Azadlig Fedaileri."
Recall that, ANS filed a lawsuit against "Azadlig Fedaileri" Newspaper and correspondent Nebi Allahverdi, due to an article that was run in the 28 November-01 December 2007 edition of the newspaper. According to ANS' legal representation, the article, entitled "The pornography of ANS," with the subtitle "ANS is in everywhere-impoliteness," doesn't correspond to the truth, and involves false, humiliating and insulting information. ANS is seeking to have a refutation published, and also wants a 50,000 AZN fine instituted against Allahverdi and a 10,000 AZN a fine instituted against "Azadlig Fedaileri."