Yesterday, 25 November, Yasamal District Court held a preliminary hearing on the lawsuit of Turan Information Agency against the Minsitry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the agency lawyer Elchin Sadigov told IRFS. Judge Sardar Mehdiyev presided over the hearing.
According to Sadigov, Judge Mehdiyev received the lawsuit for a hearing and was scheduled to take place on 6 December, 3 pm.
On September 21, Turan Information Agency submitted an inquiry to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources on the situation of the delta of the Kur river after the floods which damaged hundred thousands of lands, millions square meters of living areas, as well as killed cattle and other animals in several regions of Azerbaijan. As the Ministry didn’t respond to the inquiry,Turan filed a lawsuit citing violation of Articles 24 (Term of Execution of the Request for Information), 29 (Information Owner’s Obligation to Disclose the Information), 37 (Limitation on Considering the Information as Intended for Official Use).