The generosity of donors like you gives IRFS the resources we need to help promote freedom of expression in Azerbaijan. If you wish to support our free expression work, contact IRFS Program Manager Gunay Ismayilova at gunay (at) irfs (org)
Over the last five years, we have spent 84,66% of our resources on programs, and 15,34% on administration and fundraising.
Why give to IRFS
You can trust that your donations are used wisely.
Over the last five years, IRFS has used 84,66 percent of its resources to fund programs that help promote freedom of expression. Only 15,34 percent goes to administrative costs.
Chief among our core values is accountability. We believe that it is our duty to be effective stewards of the financial resources entrusted to us. We monitor and evaluate the efficacy of our programs with a dedicated staff of specialists, and conduct regular internal and external financial audits.
Several financial documents are available for your review:
Our annual financial statement (PDF), audited by independent auditors
A list of our institutional partners and donors
IRFS gratefully acknowledges our donors for their generous support of our work. They include:
Canada Fund for Local Initiatives
Council of Europe
European Commission
International Freedom of Expression Exchange network (IFEX)
International Media Support
International Research and Exchange Board (IREX)
National Endowment for Democracy
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs