The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety was told this by E.Fatullayev’s father Emin Fatullayev. “Eynulla’s situation is normal and does not have any health problems”, said E.Fatullayev. “He spends his time reading newspapers I take to him every time I visit him and his defense lawyer Isakhan Ashurov sends by regular mail.”
Emin Fatullayev said that the International Amnesty campaign in support of Eynulla Fatullayev is still continuing worldwide. “Eynulla received more than 500 cards from 20 different Western countries,” said Fatullayev. “The most interesting is that there’s an 82 year old woman, who is from Sankt Petersburg, among the ones who sent these cards. All the cards contain the motto “Eynulla Fatullayev, you are in our thoughts, you will not be forgotten!”
Emin Fatullayev said that the International Amnesty campaign in support of Eynulla Fatullayev is still continuing worldwide. “Eynulla received more than 500 cards from 20 different Western countries,” said Fatullayev. “The most interesting is that there’s an 82 year old woman, who is from Sankt Petersburg, among the ones who sent these cards. All the cards contain the motto “Eynulla Fatullayev, you are in our thoughts, you will not be forgotten!”