As of yesterday (17 February) "Chap Evi" Printing House restored its Sunday workday, Director of the printing house Shahbaz Khuduoglu told the Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety.
According to Khuduoglu, the technical problems related to equipment have been solved. "We are going to continue to work on Sundays," he said.
Yesterday "24 Saat", "Musavat", "Baki Khabar", "Baki Zaman" newspapers were published.
Khuduoglu also answered a question from IRFS about the recent tax inspections in the facility. He said, "Documents confiscated during inspections have been returned to us. But we don't have any information about the final decisions of the Tax Ministry."
Yesterday "24 Saat", "Musavat", "Baki Khabar", "Baki Zaman" newspapers were published.
Khuduoglu also answered a question from IRFS about the recent tax inspections in the facility. He said, "Documents confiscated during inspections have been returned to us. But we don't have any information about the final decisions of the Tax Ministry."