The hearing started with a speech from plaintiff Tahmasib Novruzov. Novruzov put forth a motion to adopt a decision to cease the publication and sale of “Azadlig” Newspaper until the final decision is made on the lawsuit. In his other motion, Novruzov demanded that APFP (Azerbaijan Popular Front Party) Chairman Ali Karimli be invited to the hearing as a witness. “Among the documents presented by the defendants are papers signed by Ali Karimli. I don’t agree with the most of information in this document, and I want Ali Karimli to come to the court because I have questions for him,” said Novruzov.
“Azadlig” Newspaper Director A. Ahmadov and the newspaper’s defense lawyer E. Sadigov considered the motion about ceasing the publication and sale of “Azadlig” newspaper totally unfounded. Sadigov stated that this kind of decision is censorship, and censorship is banned by law. The lawyer said that the document sent with Ali Karimli’s signature was a reply letter sent to Sadigov’s inquiry.
Then, after returning from a short deliberation, the judge approved a decision not to fulfill the motion about ceasing the publication and sale of “Azadlig” Newspaper. The judge emphasized that inviting A. Karimli as a witness should be done by the plaintiff.
After this, the judge read the written evidence presented to the court. He said the hearing was over when he learned that none of the sides had anything to add. Then the sides made their final statements.
T. Novruzov asked the court to completely fulfill his lawsuit. A. Ahmadov and E. Sadigov called the lawsuit completely baseless and absurd. Sadigov stressed that T. Novruzov didn’t present any document to the court to prove that he was “Azadlig” newspaper founder.
After listening to both sides, the judge stated that the decision will be announced on 5 August at 10:00 am.