The health of Emin Huseynov, the Chairman of the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety, who was placed in the hospital after he was subjected to pressure on 14 June, remains stable.
Huseynov complains from dizziness and tiredness. He had high blood pressure this morning. Emin Huseynov told this to IRFS.
“Azadlig” bloc released a statement protesting against pressure that happened against Huseynov. Police violence against E.Huseynov is condemned in the document. According to “Azadlig” newspaper, the responsibility of this remains on the shoulders of the political government.
According to “Gundalik Baku”, Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova appealed to Internal Ministry to conduct an Objective investigation into Emin Huseynov’s case.
Azerbaijan Committee against Torture Chairman Elchin Behbudov also denounced the torture against Huseynov. “The claims made about Huseynov beating himself are absurd,” he said.