Yesterday, 5 October, Ayanda Mursaliyeva visited her husband, imprisoned “Azadlig” Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Ganimat Zahid in Prison #17.
The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety was told this by A. Mursaliyeva.
Ganimat does not have any complaints about prison conditions or his health, said Mursaliyeva.
According to Ayanda Mursaliyeva, Ganimat Zahid said that he appreciated National Deputy Jamil Hasanli’s effort to raise his issue regarding his arrest during the parliament’s meeting. Ganimat Zahid emphasized that he is happy for Eynulla Fatullayev for having been honored to the award of “Amnesty International” organization.
A.Mursaliyeva said that Ganimat Zahid was not permitted to take part in the volley-ball game in the prison recently. “Ganimat Zahid considers that this prohibition is nonsense, and other prisoners do not have this restriction,” said Mursaliyeva. “However, Ganimat Zahid was accused of refusing to take part in the volley-ball game and thus violating prison rules during the consideration of his appeal for his early release”.
On 17 September 2009, in the Azizbayov District Court, under the chairmanship of Judge Rashad Hasanov, a hearing was held on “Azadlig” Newspaper Editor-in-chief Ganimat Zahid’s lawsuit to substitute his prison term with lighter punishment. The Court stated that Ganimat Zahid did not join valley-ball competitions in June and received a warning for this, and therefore did not fulfill his lawsuit.
Ganimat Zahid was convicted under articles 127.2.3 (hooliganism with intentional infliction of minor bodily harm) and 221 (hooliganism) of the Criminal Code and imprisoned for four years.