On April 17 “Gundalik Baki” Newspaper’s website was allegedly hacked. The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety was told this by the newspaper’s chief editor Adil Huseynli. One of the articles has been removed from the website and a different article has been placed in place of it, according to Huseynli.
A. Huseynli added that the newspaper will not bear responsibility if any articles about the president or official figures are placed on the website of “Gundalik Baki”.
“We have already appealed to the Ministry of National Security, the Chief Prosecutor’s Office, Internal Ministry and also the provider to oversee our website in connection with this issue,” added Huseynli.
A. Huseynli did not reveal the name of either provider or the changed article claiming that they are conducting an investigation.
“We have already appealed to the Ministry of National Security, the Chief Prosecutor’s Office, Internal Ministry and also the provider to oversee our website in connection with this issue,” added Huseynli.
A. Huseynli did not reveal the name of either provider or the changed article claiming that they are conducting an investigation.