Today, 29 June, in the Nizami District Court, under the chairmanship of Ziya Aliyev, a hearing was scheduled to take place on the special lawsuit of “Azadlig Harakatchilari” Union Chairman Tahmasib Novruzov (to defend his honor and dignity) against “Nota” Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Sardar Alibeyli (Aliyev) under Article 148 (insult), and against “Nota” Newspaper employees Ramiz Tagiyev and Faramaz Novruzoglu (Allahverdiyev) under Article 147.2 (accusing someone of grave crimes or especially grave crimes).
One of the defendants, “Nota” Newspaper Chief Consultant Faramaz Novruzoglu did not participate in the hearing because one of his relatives is gravely ill. Judge rescheduled the hearing for 10 July at 2:00 p.m.
In March, T. Novruzov filed a lawsuit against Sardar Alibeyli (Aliyev), Ramiz Tagiyev and Faramaz Novruzoglu (Allahverdiyev) for the articles published about him and on 31 March, in the Khatai District Court, Judge Togrul Aliyev adopted a decision for “Nota” Newspaper to publish a refutation about the articles and apologize. T.Novruzov filed a special lawsuit again due to the article “Apology article for Tahmasib Novruzov whose honor is stepped on and whose dignity is degraded,” which was published in the April 05-11 2009 edition of the newspaper.
In March, T. Novruzov filed a lawsuit against Sardar Alibeyli (Aliyev), Ramiz Tagiyev and Faramaz Novruzoglu (Allahverdiyev) for the articles published about him and on 31 March, in the Khatai District Court, Judge Togrul Aliyev adopted a decision for “Nota” Newspaper to publish a refutation about the articles and apologize. T.Novruzov filed a special lawsuit again due to the article “Apology article for Tahmasib Novruzov whose honor is stepped on and whose dignity is degraded,” which was published in the April 05-11 2009 edition of the newspaper.