The Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety was told this by a relative of Huseynov who wished to remain anonymous. However, there was no information where he has been to this day.
Kazim Ahmadov, who was dismissed from his job for complaining against police arbitrariness, has been restored to his job in Heydarabad Village secondary school. He oversees cleaning at the school. Kazim Ahmadov’s son Elvin Ahmadov told this to IRFS Nakhchivan regional correspondents.
Kazim Ahmadov, who was dismissed from his job for complaining against police arbitrariness, has been restored to his job in Heydarabad Village secondary school. He oversees cleaning at the school. Kazim Ahmadov’s son Elvin Ahmadov told this to IRFS Nakhchivan regional correspondents.
The persecution of Huseynov and Ahmadov is believe to related to a 24 December 2008 incident in which a group of youth were detained by the Sadarak Region Police and held in the police station until morning. During their time of detainment, the youth were subjected to physical, moral and psychological pressure and their parents subsequently addressed formal written complaints to the Azerbaijan Republic's Ministry of Interior and Republic of Azerbaijan President. Several of complaining parents were dismissed from their jobs and others were held in Police Department for days illegally.