Human rights defender Vidadi Isgandarov began hunger strike in a protest to his being held in a hot cell of a temporary prison without an air conditioner or any other kind of cooling devices, Isgandarov said at a hearing today in Goychay Region Court.
To note, despite the hunger strike, the court proceedings on Vidadi Isgandarov’s case continues.
Isgandarov was arrested 2 hours prior to the 17 April rally of opposition Public Chamber Group. He is charged under the Article 159.3 and 160.1 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan: impending in implementation of voting right and interfering in the activities of voting commissions.
Isgandarov was arrested 2 hours prior to the 17 April rally of opposition Public Chamber Group. He is charged under the Article 159.3 and 160.1 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan: impending in implementation of voting right and interfering in the activities of voting commissions.