Journalist assaulted by police in Gabala

On July 14th at around 11:00pm Nazli Agayeva, correspondent of the portal and the Azerbaijani National Committee of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly, was assaulted by the police during forcible housing demolitions in the center of Gabala region.

The journalist herself reported to the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) about the assault on July 16th.
According to Nagiyeva, the residents of three 2-storey buildings in the center of the Gabala region (in the area called Garachay) are being forcibly moved from their apartments.
“They are offered apartments in other areas of Gabala, but the three families residing in those buildings do not accept them, as their families are too large to be accommodated in the offered small flat. They faced pressure as they refused to sell their apartments. Even the roofs of their buildings have been removed. But the residents insist on retaining their apartments. Therefore the police forcibly evict them from their homes at night. I was watching it from a distance, when the police insulted me and dragged me into their car” said Nagiyeva adding that the police injured her leg, which had been broken at a car accident several years ago.
Journalist Nagiyeva has appealed to the regional police office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in connection with the police violence.
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