Journalist Mammadli released from police but remains under investigation

Journalist Jamil Mammadli was released from police custody on 18 January following criminal charges against him. A preventive measure in the form of police surveillance was chosen against him for the period of the investigation. He himself told Turan about it.

Mammadli noted that he was charged under Article 221.2.2 (hooliganism involving resistance to a representative of authority or another person performing duties to protect public order or to suppress a breach of public order) of the Criminal Code.

Mammadli denied the charge. On 15 December 2022, he said, the car he was riding in was struck by another car. After the accident, he and others in the hit-and-run car persuaded the at-fault driver to leave, even though he was at fault. However, he provoked a fight.

Mammadli said he had been summoned by the police more than once and twice by the Interior Ministry’s Department for Combating Organised Crime.

“A racketeering journalist was brought against me claiming that he and I had allegedly extorted money from region’ heads. But those were ridiculous and unsubstantiated claims, and no formal charges were brought against me,” Mamedli said.

In line with Article 221.2.2 he can be sentenced to two years’ correctional labor or three years’ custodial restraint, or a year to three years’ imprisonment.

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