Imprisoned “Gundalik Azerbayjan” and “Realny Azerbayjan” newspapers’ Chief Editor Eynulla Fatullayev continues the hunger-strike he started on March 26.

Fatullayev’s father Emin Fatullayev told this to the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety today (Sunday, March 30). According Emin Fatullayev his son in being kept in Prison #12 medical department, and is only consuming water and smoking cigarettes.

In a show of solidarity, other journalists and several political prisoners also began hunger-striking on March 27. Today (Sunday, March 30) IRFS employees observed the hunger-strike. A doctor was called when the condition of one of the hunger-strikers, Natig Javadli, deteriorated. Two employees from Medical Station #16 examined the journalist and determined that his blood pressure was low – 80/50. A doctor offered to give the journalist an injection of nutrients, however Javadli refused, saying this contradicted the principles of the hunger-strike.

Representatives of the Ombudsman’s office also visited the hunger-strikers today (Sunday, March 30). They said they were following this situation, and that Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova recommended that we stop the action. In response to this S. Chobanoglu said they discussed all of the recommendations they received, “however E. Fatullayev’s demands must be responded to. We ask the ombudsman to give a statement on this issue, and assist in achieving the fulfillment of Eynulla’s demands.”

At present, “Gundalik Azerbayjan” newspaper employees Shahvaled Chobanoglu, Natig Javadli and Elshan Babakhanli and “Yeni Musavat” Newspaper Zahid Safaroglu continue to hunger-strike in a room in the editorial office of “Yeni Musavat” Newspaper. Azerbaijan Democratic Youth Movement Chairman Aghasif Shakiroglu, who joined the hunger-strike yesterday (Saturday, March 29), was convinced by the other participants to stop the hunger-strike after it became known that he was a high school student.  At the same time Shakiroglu’s blood pressure had dropped substantially.

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(Azeri) Journalists’ Hunger-strike (March 29-30)

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