Journalists harassed and assaulted at a sanctioned protest of opposition

The police assaulted and beaten up several journalists in a confrontation that broke out between a group of protesters and the police after last Saturday’s sanctioned protest of the opposition National Council of Democratic Forces near the Inshaatchilar subway station in Baku. The police used force also against the protesters.

Journalists Tural Gurbanly and Emil Nihil, covering the event, both were subject to police’s pressure. Nihil got seriously injured by police officers. The journalist was taken to the RepublicanClinicalHospital and his lower jaw was stitched. Riot police officers reporter Parvin Zeynally’s arms and took him towards a bus waiting nearby, and also took his camera. The policemen carried him away for 300 meters pressing his head down and forced him into the bus. The journalist fainted due to airlessness. After providing first aid to the journalist, the police took him to Yasamal District Police Department where they seized his mobile phone and camera. Though journalist was released after being questioned, his camera was not returned. The police deny taking the journalist’s camera.

The police also broke IRFS reporter Rasim Aliyev’s camera and beat up British native Kevin Paul McCarey, who was also filming the protest.

In addition 4-5  journalists were subject to police pressure during the event.

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