Today, 29 September, in the Nizami District Court, under the chairmanship of Judge Ziya Aliyev, a hearing was held on the civil lawsuit of ANS Company against “Yeni Musavat” newspaper.
“Yeni Musavat” newspaper lawyer Vagif Huseynov told the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety that the judge suggested that the parties reconcile. The sides did not express any definite positions on this offer. The judge scheduled the next hearing for 8 October, at 2:30 p.m.
ANS TV appealed to court because of an article published on 27 August in “Yeni Musavat” newspaper stating that ANS TV channel advertises vodka. In the lawsuit ANS TV demanded that 80 000 AZN be paid (50 000 from by “Yeni Musavat” and 30 000 by the author of the article Zahid Safaroglu) to ANS Company.
ANS TV appealed to court because of an article published on 27 August in “Yeni Musavat” newspaper stating that ANS TV channel advertises vodka. In the lawsuit ANS TV demanded that 80 000 AZN be paid (50 000 from by “Yeni Musavat” and 30 000 by the author of the article Zahid Safaroglu) to ANS Company.