Press release distributed by LES:
Legal Education Society submitted an inquiry to Chingiz Asgarov, agent of Azerbaijan Government before the European Court of Human Rights in order to get information about the measures assumed by the Government regarding execution of the judgments delivered against Azerbaijan by the Court on 29 July 2009. President of the LES gave information about this inquiry.
It should be recalled that, the European Court delivered 16 judgments on the complaints lodged against Azerbaijan.
According to I.Aliyev, Legal Education Society (LES) plans to prepare report on execution state of the 16 judgements against Azerbaijan. Aim of this report is to investigate whether the measures assumed by the Government regarding execution of the judgments is in line with the Convention and other documents of the European Council. The lawyer notes that it is very difficult to say that the Government fulfills its obligations properly: there are sufficient problems in this filed. Specially, the Government does not fulfill its obligations concerning general measures. Examination of the cases before the domestic courts after the judgements of the European Court carries formal character; relevant persons, including judges who violate the peoples right to not to be subject to torture, association, property, fair trail are not brought to trail; the domestic courts terminates such cases referring to the fact that violation of the rights of the applicants are recognized and etc.
The followings were requested in the information request when the judgments were submitted to the relevant state body, which general and private measures are assumed, which cases were reopened and which of them were refused, causes of the refuse from reopening and etc.
According to I.Aliyev, Legal Education Society (LES) plans to prepare report on execution state of the 16 judgements against Azerbaijan. Aim of this report is to investigate whether the measures assumed by the Government regarding execution of the judgments is in line with the Convention and other documents of the European Council. The lawyer notes that it is very difficult to say that the Government fulfills its obligations properly: there are sufficient problems in this filed. Specially, the Government does not fulfill its obligations concerning general measures. Examination of the cases before the domestic courts after the judgements of the European Court carries formal character; relevant persons, including judges who violate the peoples right to not to be subject to torture, association, property, fair trail are not brought to trail; the domestic courts terminates such cases referring to the fact that violation of the rights of the applicants are recognized and etc.
The followings were requested in the information request when the judgments were submitted to the relevant state body, which general and private measures are assumed, which cases were reopened and which of them were refused, causes of the refuse from reopening and etc.