“Musavat” Party member questioned by police for hours

Rovshan Huseynov, a member of the control and revision commission of the “Musavat” Party, was summoned to the Surakhany district police department on 17 January, where he was interrogated for several hours.

According to the “Musavat” Party, a confrontation was held in the police, where Huseynov was presented with the man whom he had allegedly beaten up. The forensic examination concluded that the beating caused broken ribs and other injuries to the victim.

The investigation will continue at the 30th Surakhani district office.

The Interior Ministry press office confirmed to “Basta” that Huseynov was summoned by the police.

The incident occurred several days ago after a wedding reception and a complaint was filed against Huseynov by his friend claiming he was injured.  An investigation is ongoing, the Interior Ministry said.

Note that Huseynov denied allegations that he beat up anyone. “After the wedding, the host of the event asked me to escort one of the heavily drunk guests home. We, with two other wedding attendees, called a taxi and took the man with us and drove him home. There was no incident. However, then someone encouraged him to complain to me,” Huseynov said.

“Musavat” believes that Huseynov is being persecuted on a far-fetched pretext and that this is part of the pressure on the opposition. Huseynov has in the past been placed under administrative arrest for having complained about the police obstructing a procession of Musavatists to the statue of Mammad Emin Rasulzade.

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