Imishli Regional Court has rendered a judgment for regional correspondent of Gundam Khabar newspaper Mahbub Zulfugarli. At today’s hearing chaired by Judge Ulvi Gambarov, the journalist was sentenced to 5 months in jail.
Recall that, Zulfugarli was sued by Saleh Samadov, chief of the Southern Regional Office of the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent. The journalist was initially charged under Article 147.1 of the Criminal Code, which was later replaced by Article 147.2 in the course of the trial.
Recall that, Zulfugarli was sued by Saleh Samadov, chief of the Southern Regional Office of the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent. The journalist was initially charged under Article 147.1 of the Criminal Code, which was later replaced by Article 147.2 in the course of the trial.