Police kicks off formal investigation on Idrak Abbasov’s intimidation case

The Police Office #40 has started investigation on Abbasov’s car break-in on August 28, the journalist was told at the police office. Tofig Nabibayli, head of the Interior Ministry police group investigating the April 18 incident (on April 18 Idrak Abbasov was brutally beaten in Sulutepe settlement while performing his professional activities), phoned Abbasov to get more information about the case.

“Tofig Nabibayli told the Radio Liberty that I do not know the people, who had beaten me. But I did not have a face-to-face confrontation with anybody. In my written explanations and accounts, I described the assailants and stated that I can recognize them, once confronted. I told it to Tofig Nabibayli, and he answered that he had mistaken me with another victim in the case” noted Abbasov.
According to Abbasov, this is the third similar incident to his car for the last 15 days and is part of intimidation campaign against him.
On April 18, Idrak Abbasov was severely beaten by the security department of SOCAR, when he was shooting house demolitions and the opposition between SOCAR workers and the population of the Sulutepe settlement. His right eye and internal organs were damaged and two ribs fractured; his treatment is ongoing. A criminal case was launched into the case, but no one has been brought to justice. However harassment of the journalist and his family has not ceased so far.

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