Imprisoned “Azadlig” Newspaper journalist/satiric Sakit Zahidov’s condition is unsatisfactory.
Zahidov’s wife Rena Zahidova, who met with Zahidov today, told this to the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety. Zahidov has severe pain in his legs and heart. The journalist, who recently returned from the Justice Ministry’s Chief Medical Facility and should be kept in Prison #14’s medical department, is currently being kept in a prison cell with 100 other people. According to Zahidova, this is negatively affecting her husband’s health and wellbeing. On numerous occasions promises were made that Zahidov would be kept in Prison #14’s medical department, however the prison’s chief has not fulfilled these promises. Zahidov is currently under very harsh supervision, and is reportedly being subjected to psychological torture. The journalist is also not receiving any news about what is going on outside of the prison.
S. Zahidov told his wife that he will start a hunger-strike tomorrow. His demands are the same as the hunger-strike journalists, however he would also like Chairman of the Committee Against Torture Elchin Behbudov, Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova and other human rights activists to visit him.