“After we were released we restored the newspaper’s publication through our own resources,” said R.Kabirli. “But the eight month interval while we were in prison destroyed the material base of the newspaper. Our ceased relations with the broadcasting firms and readers made the publication of the newspaper impossible. Finally, we had to suspend our work temporarily because of the debt to the publishing house,” said Kabirli, adding that the debt to the “Azerbaijan” newspaper where “Mukhalifet”newspaper published was already given back; and the newspaper is going to restore its publication from starting in the beginning of November.
Mukhalifat" Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Rovshan Kabirli were arrested on16 May 2007 due to a lawsuit filed against them by J. Aliyev. They were released on 28 December 2007 on the basis of a pardon decree.
Mukhalifat" Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Rovshan Kabirli were arrested on16 May 2007 due to a lawsuit filed against them by J. Aliyev. They were released on 28 December 2007 on the basis of a pardon decree.