On December 19 Azerbaijan Press Council’s Commission on Complaints held its last meeting dedicated for this year.

During the meeting an assessment was made regarding “Azadlig fedailari” Newspaper on the basis of “ANS Press Publishing House”. According to the assessment, the newspaper has to apology, publish refutation or special article which reflects the opposite’s position. “Yeni nefes” Newspaper administration was advised to apologize to Balash Azaroglu, to publish refutation and reveal the current matter due to the article about People’s Poet Balash Azaroglu on the basis of Writers Union’s appeal. At the same time, on the basis of “Ayna-Zerkalo” Newspaper’s appeal, an assessment was made to the article “Supreme Military School”.

 According to made assessment, “Azadlig fedaileri” Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Vugar Gurdganli appealed to the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety and expressed his opinion.

Vugar Gurdganli noted that, “Press Council shows preconceived position with its assessment. Press Council fears ANS TV, because the TV channel can act contrary to the Council. That is why the Council makes any assessment. As for the article “The pornography of ANS”, we criticized just the operation of ANS”. The Editor-in-chief also added that, “We are ready to publish any opinion, assessment and attitude sent from ANS and Press Council in our newspaper. We are not going to apologize”.

The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety spoke via telephone with “Yeni nefes” Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Mubariz Masimoglu to know his opinion. Masimoglu noted that, “Press Council’s assessment regarding their newspaper is illegal. As our newspaper isn’t the member of Press Council, we don’t have any obligation for the Council. I think it has no legal importance. The article published in the newspaper is regarded as the structure of the new project. Press Council confuses artistic style with publicist. Bakash Azaroglu is the personage of the article”.

In his interview to IRFS staff Press Council Secretary Rahim Huseynzade noted that, an assessment related to “Ayna-Zerkalo” Newspaper was prepared by Press Council members and that assessment was introduced to Press Council chairman Aflatun Amashov. 

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