IRFS employees to seeking monitor the hearing were not permitted into the hearing due to an order issued by Judge F. Gasimov. IRFS employees who wanted to participate in the hearing, which was open, faced pressure by a civilian-clothed person. The civilian-clothed person removed IRFS’s monitors from the courtroom, and then police removed the monitors from the court building.
The lawsuit against Guliyev, filed in the special format (i.e. could lead to the arrest of the defendant(s)) was filed by "Azeri-Turk" Women's Union Chairperson Tanzila Rustamkhanli. Rustamkhanli says that an announcement (What joins Tanzila Rustamkhanli and Eldar Guliyev?) at the end of the article "Damned Azerittifag" published in the newspaper on 17 September 2008 insulted her honor and dignity. Nasimi District court Judge Elman Ahmadov issued a decision to sentence Nazim Guliyev to pre-trial detention and a search warrant has been issue for Guliyev since he did not come to the court.