In the near future a lawsuit will be filed in the Sabayil District Court in connection with the confiscation of the draft of a book that Ganimat Zahid was writing while he was in Bayil Prison #1.
Media Rights Institute Chairman Rashid Hajili, who is one of G. Zahid’s lawyer, told this to the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety today.
According to Hajili, in the lawsuit against Bayil Prison #1 (an investigative prison) and the Penitentiary System of the Justice Ministry, the confiscation of a draft of a book that G. Zahid was writing will be called illegal and it will be demanded that that composition be returned to its author.
Recall that Bayil Prison Head Misir Aliyev took the handwritten several-hundred page long manuscript from Zahid, claiming he wanted to read it. M. Aliyev then gave the manuscripts to the Chief Department of Court Decisions Services of the Justice Ministry, however it was later returned to M. Aliyev. Most recently, M. Aliyev told G. Zahid’s wife, Ayanda Murselaliyeva that the writings will be destroyed because the book contains writings against government.