An appeal will be sent to the European Court of Human Rights about delays in the investigation into “Monitor” Journal Chief Editor Elmar Huseynov’s murder, and the investigation’s failure to provide about any information to the public.
According to lawyer Elton Guliyev, in the near future one international organization concerned about delays in the investigation will file a complaint in the European Court of Human Rights. This was reported in the 29 February 2008 edition of “Gun Sahar” Newspaper.
In connection with this the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety contacted E. Guliyev. Guliyev confirmed the “Gun Sahar” newspaper article, and emphasized that he has appealed to the investigation for information about the case. “I will meet with the investigator for this case this week,” he said. Guliyev also expressed that he himself plans to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights about this case.
Regarding whether it is still legally possible to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights about Elmar Huseynov’s murder, IRFS contacted Media Rights Institute lawyer Rashid Hajili. Hajili said, “Guliyev can appeal to the journalist’s family as a lawyer. It is not important if the investigation is complete or ongoing. If we believe that the investigation was not conducted properly or is being delayed, this is a law violation. And, naturally there are serious grounds to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. Here the right to fair investigation (article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights) is violated. At the same time, it is known that Huseynov was killed for his work as a journalists and his investigative reporting. And that is a violation of the convention’s article 10 (freedom of expression).”
In connection with this the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety contacted E. Guliyev. Guliyev confirmed the “Gun Sahar” newspaper article, and emphasized that he has appealed to the investigation for information about the case. “I will meet with the investigator for this case this week,” he said. Guliyev also expressed that he himself plans to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights about this case.
Regarding whether it is still legally possible to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights about Elmar Huseynov’s murder, IRFS contacted Media Rights Institute lawyer Rashid Hajili. Hajili said, “Guliyev can appeal to the journalist’s family as a lawyer. It is not important if the investigation is complete or ongoing. If we believe that the investigation was not conducted properly or is being delayed, this is a law violation. And, naturally there are serious grounds to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. Here the right to fair investigation (article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights) is violated. At the same time, it is known that Huseynov was killed for his work as a journalists and his investigative reporting. And that is a violation of the convention’s article 10 (freedom of expression).”