Today, 10 September, in the Lankeran City Court, under the chairmanship of Judge Javanshir Mammadov, a hearing was held on student/journalist Parviz Azimov’s lawsuit to consider the decision to exclude him from Lankeran State University (LSU) unfounded.
Parties made final speeches during the hearing. P.Azimov stated that his expulsion from the university stemmed from his journalism work and asked the court to fulfill the lawsuit.
LSU Assistant Director Ruslan Hamidov spoke on behalf of the defendant and said that the lawsuit was unfounded and should be rejected.
However, the judge fulfilled the lawsuit and issued a verdict to consider the decision to exclude Parviz Azimov from Lankeran State University (LSU) unfounded.
LSU claimed that Parviz Azimov violated internal discipline rules to expel him (allegedly beat a fellow student); however Azimov claimed that he was expelled because of his article “Open Bazaar in Closed Rooms,” which was published in “Janub Khabarlari” Newspaper on 10 February 2009.
LSU Assistant Director Ruslan Hamidov spoke on behalf of the defendant and said that the lawsuit was unfounded and should be rejected.
However, the judge fulfilled the lawsuit and issued a verdict to consider the decision to exclude Parviz Azimov from Lankeran State University (LSU) unfounded.
LSU claimed that Parviz Azimov violated internal discipline rules to expel him (allegedly beat a fellow student); however Azimov claimed that he was expelled because of his article “Open Bazaar in Closed Rooms,” which was published in “Janub Khabarlari” Newspaper on 10 February 2009.