“Imprisoned ‘Azadlig’ Newspaper satiric/journalist Sakit Zahidov has no serious health problems,” a representative from the Public Relations Department of the Justice Ministry’s Penitentiary Service.
“If there was any problem we would have been notified about it.”
In addition to this, APA News Agency reported that yesterday the Chairman of the public relations department of the Justice Ministry’s Penitentiary Service Mehman Sadigov told journalists that S.Zahidov doesn’t have any serious health problems. “We would have moved him back to the medical department,” Sadigov reportedly stated, adding that it is possible for the journalist to see a civilian doctor. Sadigov also said that according to the Punishment Execution Code, for a fee the relatives of prisoners may set-up private medical examinations.
Recall that yesterday (15 May) Zahidov’s wife who visited Zahidov at Prison #14 today told IRFS that the journalist’s health worsened. "Sakit's heath is very poor. He has pain in his heart. He feels bad. At night he experiences shortness of breath. Despite this they won't put Sakit back in the medical department. He is currently being kept in the regular section of the prison," Zahidova said yesterday. Out of concern for Zahidov's health, Zahidova noted that she took a large load of medicine and medical supplies to her husband yesterday.