Yesterday (8 April) An email in the name of “Azadlig” Newspaper Director Azer Ahmedov was sent to the email addresses of newspapers and journalism organizations in Azerbaijan.
The email reflects an interview with Azer Ahmedov about the footage about “Azadlig” newspaper employee Agil Khalil that was broadcast on Azerbaijani TV channels on April 7.
Azer Ahmadov told the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety that he did not give such an interview to anyone. Ahmedov said, “There are some things in the ‘interview’ that I never talked to anyone about.” Ahmedov evaluated this as the latest provocation by special service organs against “Azadlig” Newspaper, and added that from here on out the distribution of this kind of material is possible.
Talking to IRFS, Ahmedov stated that the provocations against “Azadlig” continue in different directions; “Azadlig” newspaper’s employees are under surveillance. “These people are the ones who testified in the investigation department regarding the beating and stabbing incidents of Agil Khalil. Whenever they leave the editorial office or come back they are watched.”